All About Birds
Saturday, August 20 at 4:30 PM
“All About Birds” is a multimedia introduction to birding. Topics covered will include songs and bird calls – why birds make sounds and how they create them, how we identify bird species, habitats of the North Country, fascinating behaviors – such as why the American Woodcock bobs and how a Common Loon swallows a foot-long fish, what birds eat, migration – why birds move, where they nest, birding ethics – how we balance our interest in seeing birds with their welfare, and conservation issues. The presentation utilizes audio recordings, videos of interesting bird behaviors, photographs, and PowerPoint slides. Weather permitting, the program will be held on Grant Cottage’s porch.
Our presenter is Joan Collins, President of Adirondack Avian Expeditions & Workshops, LLC. Joan leads birding trips year-round, is a New York State licensed guide, past President of the New York State Ornithological Association, current editor of New York Birders, past Board of Directors member of the Audubon Council of New York, and President of the Northern New York Audubon Society.