Over the years, Grant Cottage tour guide Steve Trimm has put together a collection of Civil War and U.S. Grant memorabilia. The collection includes bullet fragments picked up on the Gettysburg battlefield by Steve’s grandfather, a button from a Union soldier’s uniform (found at Cold Harbor) and Confederate stamps that were printed in England and smuggled through the Union blockade. Also in the collection are a Frederick Douglass autograph, an 1862 newspaper containing a speech Douglass presented at New York’s Cooper Union, commemorative medals, stamps and coins. Needless to say, there are books (nonfiction and fiction), and, on the lighter side, Grant and Lee bobble heads. Steve will show these and other objects from his collection and tell the stories behind them. Steve is downsizing his collection and will be giving away some items via a free raffle.
The suggested donation for Grant Cottage Porch Programs is $5 per person. These programs are made possible thanks to a grant from the Adirondack Trust Community Fund. Our events are supported with funding from the New York State Park and Trail Partnership Program (NYSPTPP) and New York’s Environmental Protection Fund. The NYSPTPP is administered by Parks & Trails New York, in partnership with the state Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation.